In the pictures below you will see the parabolic dish that focuses the sound to a condenser microphone. The microphone plugs into the odd little box that consists of an audio amplifier unit and and input/output jack (for the mic and headphones) as well as a volume control knob. I have the LM386 OP amplifier on the circuit board for producing the necessary amplification from the microphone, and it is also looped with the high-gain pins so as to produce a VERY amplified sound.
The parabolic dish is actually a recycled item from the dumpster and it originally was a feeder guard that fits over a hanging bird feeder in order to keep squirrels out of the seed box/feeder. I found the point at which the sound was amplified the most for the placement of the microphone, which is held in place by a hard wire that also serves the purpose of a handle along the side (as you can see in the last photo).
I made this for recording bird and animal sounds from the woods (and the local barred owls that make their home on our property). I had a Bionic Ear © super amplified system years ago that I used for similar purposes, as well as for recording EVP during paranormal research outings. I just couldn't see spending over $100 again for something that I could easily make.
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